Sphynx cats are an unusual type of pet, to say the least! These large eared, wrinkled cats can sometimes have a soft fuzz around the face, ears, and tails. The rest of their bodies are coated with smooth skin. This skin can be in a variety of pigments and patterns or even spotted, and is said to feel like a suede covered hot water bottle.


Size: Medium sized cat

Weight: Females typically 6-8 lbs, Males typically 8-10 lbs

Life Span: Ideally 13-15 years

Care: Sphynx cats are sensitive to cold and prolonged direct sunlight (they can get sunburns but do not use sunscreen). They require bathing (twice a month), ear cleaning and nail trims.

Temperament: Sphynx cats are sweet and inquisitive. They are very friendly to their family and strangers, and they are great with other animals. They love to travel and can be taught to walk with a harness. Most people say they are a cross between a monkey and a dog! There are certainly NOT your typical cat!